Monday, January 12, 2009


Election, recession, holidays, new position at work; blah, blah, blah, fishcakes. I’ve been busy. But a new year is here, and I guess it’s time to try and start this up again.

What will this year be like? Who knows. Last fall I was predicting that gas prices would rise again. Who could have seen that the bottom would fall out of… well, everything? Will scooters continue to be hot in a world where gas is cheap and consumer confidence is down? We’ll see.

1 comment:

Scootin' Fool said...

Gas is starting to creep up again, and despite the fact that gas is currently less expensive than it was last summer, paying 15,000 for a new car won't be all that possible for most folks, so I predict that scooters will still see a decent sales margin this year. Of course, with the rumblings that our government has made about taxing gasoline even more heavily than they already do (the whole act of hollering at the oil companies for making a profit is a diversion from the fact that the government, both state and federal, makes more on the sale of a gallon of gas than the oil companies do), I would be unsurprised to see gas pop back up to at least $3.50 a gallon again.