Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall Ride, October 18

Here is route we'll be riding.

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It's about 43 miles, and will take 2-3 hours. There are no gas stations along the way, so fill up before we leave. Bringing a beverage is suggested. This ride is do-able on a 50cc scooter.

I rode the route today, and it is beautiful. There is a lot of great scenery that should be even more colorful next weekend. There are streams, farms, forests, challenging roads and Face Rock Overlook. Hope to see you there.

Meet 10:30am, the corner of Orange and Water Streets, Saturday October 18.


Scootin' Fool said...

looks good. You know I'll be there, and there are several folks from the BurgmanUSA board who have said they will show. *crosses fingers*

Human Drew said...

cant make it. bummer..

im doing a 40 mile hike that weekend

have fun
