Tuesday, May 20, 2008

More Buzz

Yep, high gas prices really have people looking at scooters. They're even talking about them on the newspaper's website. Apparently staring down $4/gallon gas has people at that tipping point where they consider changing their behavior and buying a scooter.

And the scooter many are buying is the Yamaha Vino, pictured here in blue recently at B&B Yamaha. They come in 50cc and 150cc models.

Behind it is the new white version of the C3. It's a pretty color, but I bet it gets dirty quick. I was really hoping to see the new red color.

If you've come here looking for information about scooters, take a look around. There's lots of information here. Be sure to check out the links along the side. Or start here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually...I was there yesterday. When I bought my Vino, I had almost purchased the "MaddAss" instead, but decided against it due to lack of storage space. If that's the same one, it has a 70cc converter kit on it, which is pretty cool
