Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ephrata First Sunday, Spetember '09

I was up at the Ephrata First Sunday Ride-in today, and talked to a couple scooterists. I heard some things that contribute to my theory of critical mass. Apparently there is a someone starting a database of scooter riders in Lancaster. It’s not a conspiracy thing… I guess you could call it a potential member/mailing list. I have a feeling that this coming Wheels weekend will sort things out. Keep checking in here and I pass on what I find out. Right now details are vague, and I didn’t ask permission to publicize anything.

Back up at Ephrata, they had a contest this weekend. There was a scooter in the vintage category. I’ve seen this same one parked downtown once, outside a tattoo parlor. I don’t know whether it beat the Ducatis… personally, I like the café racer. You don’t have to be Italian to be vintage, but it helps.

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