Sunday, August 12, 2007

Motorcycle Safety Program

You need a motorcycle license to ride anything over 50cc in Pennsylvania. So I'm working on getting mine. I've signed up for the Motorcycle Safety Program. It's free in PA and you finish with your license acquired. They even provide the motorcycles. It sounds like a great way to find out if a bigger bike is for you.
Having your learner's permit is a prerequisite. It costs $10, and you need to pass a written test (actually the test is taken on a touch-screen computer) at the DMV.
Signing up for the MSP is a pain. You need to do it online; the class are small and fill up fast; and registration only opens periodicly. I'm going to a session in Millersville. Registartion only opened last night, and it's already 3/4's full. But, I hear over and over that it is a valuable experience. It can even save you money on your insurance.
I'm hoping that the class will help me decide if I want a bigger scooter, or keep the little one and get a motorcycle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gerry - absolutely, GO! most places, like where I live in Maryland, have tons of classes that fill up so fast - and they cost $200 when I took it. In some states, it's much more than that. Even if you don't get a bigger scooter, you will learn some techniques that will really be helpful in your riding. - Crystal