Sunday, August 26, 2007

Italian Fest

Today was the 1st Annual Italian Fest in Lancaster. Reveron Electronic Inc. had a booth there promoting their Yamati scooters. I don't know anything about them, but they sure are sharp looking.

The festival was held in front of Rosa Rosa Ristorante Italiano. The owner of Rosa Rosa, Giovanni Disomma, was recently hurt quite badly in an accident on a scooter. A driver on a cell phone ran a red light and hit him. He was not wearing a helmet. (Another reminder: ATGATT "All The Gear All The Time). There was a stand at the festival where Carmella Disomma was asking people to sign petitions outlawing cell phone use while driving and to bring back the mandatory helmet law. As I was signing the cell phone petition (and not the helmet one), I heard a man behind me say, "Well, I'll sign the helmet one, but not the cell phone one." To each his own, I guess.

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