Sunday, February 15, 2009

Get Ready to Ride in 2009

I know it's still cold out, and we had snow last night, but it's time to start thinking about riding! What's 2009 going to be like? Will gas prices remain low? They've crept back up to about $2/gallon already, but that's still about a $1 less than last year at this time. The gasoline market is still unpredictable. If gas goes up again, will scooter sales continue to boom? Will the recession and the credit crunch keep people from buying? Or will more people consider a scooter or motorcycle a fun and frugal alternative to that second car? It's going to be an interesting year.

Another reason to start thinking about riding right now is that registartion is about to open for the spring sessions of the Motorcycle Safety Program (MSP). Pennsylvania residents are very lucky that the MSP is free... it costs $300-$600 in other states. They teach you how to ride a motorcycle, beginning all the way with how to turn it on. You graduate the short course with your license. The first sessions are in March. Registration opens next week, and usually fills up in 48 hours. You'll need a learner's permit before that, so get crackin' today!


Joe said...

We truly are lucky to get the services of the Pennsylvania Motorcycle Safety Program free!

I was a little apprehensive about showing up for the course on my scooter, but it wasn't uncomfortable at all with everybody else on a big bike.

Though there were some exercises that were supposed to be done in second gear, my having an automatic transmission wasn't an issue.

It's ironic that I took the advanced course last May on my scooter so I could get my motorcycle endorsement, but will likely someday take the beginner's course to learn to ride a motorcycle with all that gear shifting and clutching that scares me.

- Joe at Scootin' da Valley

LaurieD said...

Well, the gas prices have kept somewhat steady, and may even fall because of the economical state...but one can never be sure. Still, scooters are a great bet...especially electric ones. Thanks for your post! :)
