Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Conserve Oil? Don't be funny...

It irritates me that Republicans are making fun of Obama for his suggestion that we use tire guages to reduce our dependance on foreign oil. If properly inflating tires can save 3% of a car's fuel, why not do it? And that's peanuts compared to what scooter riders are saving. If we didn't have to drill off the coast and in Alaska, wouldn't that be a good thing?

There are all kinds of ads and propaganda that make fun of people who believe that using less oil is a good thing. There was an ad for WalMart, CostCo, or one of those megastores that featured a guy complaining about high prices. He said, his voice dripping with disdain, "What am I supposed to do? Ride a moped to work?" Yeah, jackass, give it try. You look like you could use some fun in your life.

And the current BMW ad makes me crazy. In particular, I don't buy the guy getting on a Vespa. Envy a cager on a beautiful day? Getting 30mpg? I don't think so. I get three times that. Maybe I'd be jealous that the driver has money to burn, but I'd rather ride a Vespa to a nice restaurant to burn it.

Anybody who suggests that you shouldn't even try to conserve energy probably stands to lose some money if you do. They're trying to sell you something. Don't buy it.

Editted to add: Paris solves the energy crisis:

See more funny videos at Funny or Die


Scootin' Fool said...

I don't think anyone is really saying that we should not conserve energy. the major push is for energy independence.

Honestly, Mr. Obama's words sound hollow and cocky to me. Nothin' like a rich guy telling you "go pump up your tires" while he and his buddies in congress go on vacation rather than passing meaningful energy legislation.

So much for Change.

Gerry said...

The alternative is to vote again for the party that led us here. Isn't it amazing that the rich guy, the elitist, in this race is the black guy? How far we've come in 50 years...
Maybe the GOP isn't saying NOT to conserve, but they are mocking conservation. Their plan is to drill more oil, which conveniently profits their friends and endangers the environment. The reason given is to reduce dependence on foreign oil. Note that they do not say reduce our dependance on oil. They still want us addicted to their product. I say reduce our need for all oil by developing fuel alternatives. In the meantime, drive as efficient a vehicle as you can.

Scootin' Fool said...

There's a third alternative. I plan to vote third party. Sure, it might be a "throw-away" vote, but both of the mainstream parties have shown their disdain for the common man. I can't in good conscience vote for either one.

Gerry said...

Vote for Paris!

Scootin' Fool said...

LOL, sorry, no.

It's funny though, her energy policy is the same thing the more conservative types have been saying all along. Unfortunately, the media completely glosses over that fact and focuses only on the drilling aspect.
